4 Steps to Choose the Best China Handheld Fiber Laser Welding Machine

With the development of laser industry, handheld fiber laser welding machine for metal is very hot in recent years! But how to choose the handheld fiber laser welding machine for metal is a headache, so how to choose the best handheld laser welding machine in the end?

handheld laser welder

First, according to their own product material, thickness, requirements to choose the appropriate laser power; many companies are using the department to submit demand applications, procurement by the procurement department for procurement, and the procurement department of the actual use of the production plant and the nature of the product material is not well understood, it is recommended that the first mailing samples to ensure that the demand can be met before making purchases.

Second, the choice of configuration, handheld laser welding machine is mainly composed of lasers, handheld welding head, chiller, cabinet and other parts, the quality of the main components basically determines the quality of the use of equipment. The current handheld welding machine using the power segment, the domestic first and second-tier brands produce fiber laser quality are okay, there is no big gap, the main thing is to choose the full power of the laser, welding head and chiller can choose a first-line brand.

Handheld Laser Welder

Third, as the laser industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce, there are many manufacturers will be in various channels of brand promotion or cooperation with agents, some agents themselves do not understand after-sales, just interested in the market, this part of the equipment sold, there is basically no after-sales service, so it is recommended that users inquire before buying the seller’s company whether the handheld laser welding machine manufacturers, to ensure that the purchase of direct sales to manufacturers Handheld laser welding machine to avoid stepping on the pit.

laser welder

Fourth, how to choose the right handheld laser welding machine manufacturers it can be based on their own circle of friends, you can go to the factory site visits, mainly to examine the technical level of manufacturers.

Picture of 辛迪
China metal laser cutting equipment manufacturer, 10 years of focus on laser cutting machine, laser welding machine, laser cleaning machine production, to provide you with one-stop laser solutions. Our team is always ready to advise you or answer your questions. So please contact us now/

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